The Federation exists to help needy children have the capacity to improve their lives giving them the opportunity to bring lasting and positive change in their communities. The Federation also promotes communities whose individuals and institutions participate in valuing, protecting, and advancing the worth and rights of children creating an environment of hope and respect for the needy in achieving their full potential, providing practical tools for positive change to children, families and communities

The organization hopes to see in place families and local organizations networked in their communities, and promote the development and protection of children. Realizing the aforesaid requires empowering families both socially and economically to take constructive roles in the development of their children and families.

The Federation is governed by a Board selected from parents and children / youths from the beneficiary communities. These are selected from the Community Associations (CAs). Each Community Association (CA) selects two members to the Federation Board (1 parent & 1 Child / youth) if the parent is a male then the Child / Youth representative must be a female vise visa).

Saama Kairo Federation has nine (9) Community Associations (CAs) each covering a number of villages. The Community Associations have constitutions and are legally registered with the A.G. Chambers. The CAs are as follows: –

  1. Bafuloto
  2. Kabafita
  3. Jamisa
  4. Darsilami
  5. Giboro
  6. Kuloro
  7. Faraba Banta
  8. Sohm
  9. Kafuta

Each Community Association is made up of clusters and the number depends on the proximity of the families and the commonality in their problems / issues. Some of these clusters are villages whilst in in large villages, there divided into clusters of families. There are 165 clusters in Saama Kairo Federation’s Community Associations. These clusters have constitutions and are also registered Organizations with the AG Chambers. Each of these clusters has a management committee put in place by the members of the cluster. In each of the Cluster committees, two people i.e. a male & a female are selected to represent the cluster at the (CA) Community Association level. One is to serve in the CA Management committee whilst the other is to serve in a CA Sub – committee.

Clusters have their own agreed and planned meeting schedules. The CAs meet on a monthly basis to get feedback from the Board meetings and / or discuss program issues within the clusters. There are emergency meetings that do occur especially when we have urgent issues that need to be discussed e.g. when there is the need to get funding from partners or fund raising activities.

An Area Strategic Plan (ASP) is developed every three years. This plan is made up of plans from the CAs which are also the combined plans of their individual clusters. After the ASP, an Annual Operation Plan is developed which is the guide to the implementation of activities on a monthly basis. The Federation uses an electronic financial system called the FIT (Financial Indicator Tool) which was developed by ChildFund who is the sole donor to the Federation.

On an annual basis, the Federation is audited by an external audit firm and the report shared with the general body, donors and partners.